Fast Food from the 90s That We Want Back
Eric and Darren discuss fast food items from the 90s that they maybe want back.
Fucking Rad Reviews with Blister – The Lawrence Arms “Skeleton Coast”
Blister reviews the newest album by The Lawrence Arms. Skeleton Coast was recorded 30 miles east of El Paso, TX at Sonic Ranch Studios with longtime producer Matt Allison. It was kind of like album camp in the sense that we were in this very remote setting for two weeks and really focusing on making...
40 Things Only a 90s Kid Will Remember – Part Two
Eric and Darren finish up the 90s list and talk about JD Roth.
HBO Max is a Bust (005)
The guys check out HBO Max on day one and let you know what’s good and what’s bad, in their opinion.
Review: Mountain Dew Maui Burst
Okay admittedly I saw there was a new Mountain Dew and rather than read about how to get it, I just assumed it was in wide release. So I checked my local grocery stores for weeks as I did my weekly shopping. And on a recent short road trip, I made stops at several gas...
Darby Eats Chili Nut M&Ms
In this episode, Darby gets spicy with the limited edition Chili Nut M&Ms!
40 Things Only a 90s Kid Will Remember – Part One (004)
Eric and Darren go through a list of things only a 90s kid should remember.
The OJ Simpson Bronco Chase (003)
Eric and Darren discuss the OJ Simpson Bronco chase, Norm McDonald, and picture-in-picture.