What do I need to bring to the table?
You need to be able to deliver a 8, 12, or 16 page, fully illustrated and lettered, black & white comic story.
How am I compensated?
Creators involved with this book will be able to order books at the cost to publish them + shipping costs. That cost is expected to be around $4 a copy, and copies should sell around $20+.
Blank covers will also be available for artists that would like to take advantage of that.
Will I be provided an art team?
No. The finished pages are to be completed by a team that you build at your expense. You own your work and may reuse it in whatever publication you would like to.
Who owns my story?
Your story is yours to keep. How that ownership pans out is between you and your team.
Can I provide a variant cover?
Will you ever reprint my story elsewhere?
Eventual Omnibus